Author Archives: Brendan Hall

Indoor air quality in sustainable, energy efficient buildings

Building designers. contractors, owners, and managers have long been challenged with providing quality indoor environments at a reasonable energy cost. Current efforts to improve building energy efficiency, including goals of sustainability and net-zero energy use, are bringing more focus on how to simultaneously achieve energy efficiency and good indoor air quality (IQA). While energy efficiency […]

Membranes offer breath of fresh air for buildings

BREATHER membranes play a key role within the building envelope. They facilitate the release of excess moisture vapour into the exterior, helping to keep internal wall roofing structures dry and protect the condition of insulation layers. They can also serve a valuable purpose as a line of defence against water penetration during the construction stage […]

Settlement reached for 900 claimants in Grenfell civil case

A group of more than 900 bereaved family members, survivors and local residents (BSRs) whose lives were devastated by the Grenfell Tower fire have agreed a settlement of their civil claims arising from the fire. Read in full at Inside Housing.

Fire safety guide: Fire hazards and safety procedures for flats

Multi-occupied residential buildings, namely those containing flats, are subject to increasingly stringent fire safety measures. The 2017 Grenfell tragedy has been a catalyst for the introduction of positive and important measures to better protect tenants from potential hazards. But what are the main risks involved, and how can they be minimised? Read in full at […]

Higher energy efficient homes are associated with increased risk of doctor diagnosed asthma in the UK subpopulation

The UK has one of the highest prevalence of asthma in the world. Reduced ventilation resulting from increased energy efficiency measures acts as a modifier for mould contamination and risk of allergic diseases. Read in full at PUBMED.

Hidden Fungus on your pillow that can trigger and incurable lung infection

Laid low with a fever, chills, dizziness and muffled hearing, 36-year-old Stewart Armstrong assumed he was suffering from a bad bout of flu. Two week later, with no sign of improvement and under pressure from his partner, Janine the businessman went to see his GP. The doctor could find nothing obviously wrong and prescribed pills […]

Environmental contamination and hospital-acquired infection: factors that are easily overlooked

There is an ongoing debate about the reasons for and factors contributing to healthcare-associated infection (HAI). It appears that these infections are complex and their investigation involves multidisciplinary teams, including: Read more via National Library of Medicine.

Evaluation of spreading and effectiveness of injection products against rising damp in mortar/brick combinations

Rising damp is one of the most recurrent and well-known hazards to existing buildings and monuments. Several types of intervention exist to tackle the problem. Among these, the creation of a damp-proof course against capillary rise by means of injection of chemical products is one of the most diffused methods, thanks to the relatively easy […]